Development Engineering Division | Howard County

1. Q: When can I submit a Simplified ECP versus an ECP?
A: A Simplified ECP is only for a single lot development in the west or a redline.
2. Q: Are there exemptions from stormwater management?
A: Yes. Additions or modifications to existing single family structures, developments that do not disturb more than 5,000 square feet of land, or agricultural land management activities.
3. Q: Can I submit a waiver for this?
A: Only if the waiver does not negate the intent of the regulations, and it does not adversely impact the public infra-structures and private property owners.
4. Q: Does the county accept gravel driveways?
A: Driveways serving one to six lots shall consist of a minimum standard of six inches of crusher run base with tar and chip coating. All others refer to the Standard Details, Volume IV.
5. Q: If I have a change in use or am expanding an existing commercial building do I need to address APFO road impacts.
A: Yes. Any change in use, additions or expansion of commercial, industrial, apartments or condominiums require that an APFO Roads Test evaluation be provided with the submission.
6. Q: I want to add an extra entrance for my driveway. What should I do?
A: A redline for the Site Development Plan (SDP) will be required if an approved SDP exists. If no SDP exists, an ENTRANCE APPLICATION & PERMIT shall be submitted to DPW/Bureau of Highways. In addition, a Sight Distance Analysis will be required for the proposed entrance.
7. Q: Can I submit Preliminary Water and Sewer (W&S) Plans with an F-plan or an SDP?
A: No. Preliminary W&S Plans shall be submitted prior to the submission of an F-plan or SDP. There is a separate application process in ProjectDox for Preliminary W&S submissions. The Preliminary W&S Plan review shall be complete before going to Final W&S Plans. You may go straight to Final W&S Plans on a case-by-case basis, and avoid Preliminary W&S Plans. Please contact DED at 410-313-2350 for further information.
8. Q: Do I submit Final W&S Plans with the F-plan or the SDP?
A: With the creation of new lots, Final W&S Plans shall be submitted with the F-plan due to the Howard County Code requiring public water and sewer to be made available for each new lot created within the Planned Service Area. In most situations when no new lots are created, water and sewer plans shall be submitted with the SDP.