Litchfield officials approve $115,000 bid to repair leaky Woodbury Pond Dam

Litchfield officials approve 5,000 bid to repair leaky Woodbury Pond Dam

Litchfield officers have selected a contractor to make repairs to the dam at the east close of Woodbury Pond in Litchfield. The dam, which has been seeping at the very least since spring 2021, is to be repaired this summer time by Chesterfield Associates Inc. of Westport Island. Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal file

LITCHFIELD — Town officials have authorized a $115,000 bid to restore the Woodbury Pond Dam to protected the leaky dam this summer season.

Chesterfield Associates Inc. of Westport Island gained the bid for the venture, which officers said would entail applying a sheet pile cutoff wall.

Decide on Board associates, who produced the decision at a meeting Thursday, also approved an added movement to ask for an extra $60,000 at the impending city meeting to include contingency and engineering oversight for the task.

The dam started exhibiting indicators of seepage last spring, and considering that then the town has worked to forever resolve the concern.

If remaining unchecked, the dam’s concerns could negatively impression animal and plant life, direct to reduce assets values, bring about the road across the dam to grow to be impassable, and drastically lower the drinking water degree in some of the 5 Tacoma Lakes, according to officers.

Dave Allan, owner of Chesterfield Associates, attended the Choose Board’s emergency meeting to response concerns about his bid, which came in appreciably reduced than other gives.

Allan spelled out the two credits, or special discounts, supplied. A person getting a $10,000 credit rating if he is ready to push the metal sheet pile as a result of the middle of the highway adjacent to the dam, and not at the edge. Allan explained this discounts will come as they will backlink the sheet pile by a vertical wall and help riprap to continue being in place, blocking the dam from eroding additional.

The business also available a $5,000 credit score if the town does not involve a coating for the sheet.

“Coating is rather common for us, driving steel sheeting in a saltwater natural environment,” he said. “You people really don’t have saltwater there, thank goodness, and I’m of the view that you do not involve the coating. The coating also holds up the delivery, so there’s one more $5,000 presented to you as a discounts.”

Parker explained that these decisions, whether or not to forego the coating or to set up the sheet through the middle of the highway, drop underneath the purview of the venture engineers, Calderwood engineering.

“If you get the bid, then that would be some thing that you require to acquire up with Calderwood,” he explained, “and if they’re in agreement to it, then I’m of the feeling that nobody’s likely to argue with them.”

Parker reported the only issue that may well come up with driving the sheet in the middle of the road, is that there are individuals dwelling on the island close to the dam.

Allan claimed he went there prior to bidding and spoke with a resident who would be perhaps inconvenienced by the challenge, and that he was amicable to the task and agreed to leave his motor vehicle on the highway to the side of the bridge when work happens.

“We would ensure him pedestrian obtain at all situations,” explained Allan, including that they would end anything they’re carrying out and permit him walk by if important.

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